I use [X], but I question why I continue to use it I use [X], but I wonder what is the point in using it I use [X], but I don't see why I should keep on bothering with it Other people will be upset if I don't use [X] I use [X] because others will not be pleased with me if I don't I feel under pressure from others to use [X] I would feel bad about myself if I quit [X] I would feel guilty if I quit using [X] I would feel like a failure if I quit using [X] Using [X] is a sensible thing to do The benefits of using [X] are important to me Using [X] is a good way to achieve what I need right now I use [X] because it reflects the essence of who I am Using [X] is consistent with my deepest principles I use [X] because it expresses my values I use [X] because it is enjoyable I think using [X] is an interesting activity Using [X] is fun